Sunday, September 13, 2009

#1 Mistake by all network marketers

I have been doing a lot of online marketing lately and learning from some of the top network marketers in the world. There techniques are simply amazing and I wish I would have known a lot of this stuff when I first joined an mlm company. Some of the leaders I have been following are Mike Dillard, Gregg Davison, Mike Spencer, Josh Delaney, and the founders of MLM Lead System Pro. Of course I know there are more out there, but these are just a few of the leaders in this industry that I have been learning from.
As I have been moving through this industry one thing I learned is you don't promote your primary opportunity up front! It is the number one rule in my book for all network marketers, but I have been seeing it more and more. On my facebook wall, in my groups, on twitter pages. People please stop! No comp plan, no product, no company is better than the other. True there may be one that works good for you, but with so many out there how is somebody to choose. There is a better way of getting you opportunity out there to some body. If you don't believe me read Mike Dillard's book called magnetic sponsoring. You can check it out at this link Trust me if you start looking at all the top producers in you company you will not find them telling the bag boy at the supermarket how their company is debt free and he can make X amount of money is X amount of days!

Until Next Time,
Jamie Smith

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Work Ethic

It is about 12:13am on a Saturday night. Start of the college football weekend, which has been a great opening weekend! I was just thinking about the countless hours I say up late working. Sometimes I am up late doing things that deal with my real estate business. Sometimes I am up late working on self branding and online marketing. One thing that comes to mind is how many of the great entrepreneurs and great leaders of my generation have done the same thing! How many of them have been in my shoes; trying to work until your body just can think anymore and you have to force yourself to go to sleep. I know that most of the next generation (people my age are up doing the same thing)
This is what it takes to become successful people. There are no short cuts; just hard work combined with smart work! So as everyone else is sleep, just know that I am up putting in the work. Once my true success has came no one can say that is came easy or over night!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Magnetic Sponsoring

I have recently been reading a short e-book called Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard. I don't know how many of you know about him in the network marketing world, but this is a must have book. It was so good I copied and printed it out and placed it in my personal library. If you want to sponsor more distributors and have more customers you can go with out this book. You can pick up a copy at http// Keep on plugging networkers!

Success Is Your Choice,

Jamie J Smith

Monday, July 20, 2009

New Website Up

The last couple of days I have really been digging deep into this online investing and marketing world. I have literally gotten NO sleep in in the past 72 hours or so. I have a two you tube channels ijangosuperpro and jamiesmithinc. So check the videos out when you get a chance see what investments I am getting into these days.
Also I have created three new websites. The 1st one is This is simply an exsplosive new network marketing company that is tearing up the MLM world. We have assembled one of the best ijango teams in the company right here in Charlotte. See how we are burning it up here in Charlotte, NC.
The 2nd one is, which is my personal entrepreneurial website. It tells you about myself, what new online investments I am involved in, and tips on becoming a real estate investor (with a free mini course coming soon)
The 3rd and final site is which is the most powerful site of all.
This introduces a system that runs a MLM on auto pilot. The leads are coming in already from this investment, big thanks to Josh and Mike for introducing this to me. If you are in network marketing or any MLM you have to check it out. With this PROVEN system there will be no more cold calling, no more trying to recruit your friends and family members, no more trying to find propects. With this system prospects come to you!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I know a lot of people have mixed feeling about MLMs and network marketing, but it will be the next big boom. Paul Zane Pilzer a top economist predictor says this industry will create more millionaires in the next 2 years than any business in the history of the world! Very Strong. Ijango is a MLM that is completely just blowing up the network marketing world. There is nothing to be sold, you give the product away for free and get paid when people use certain parts of the product. It is all online based, using facebook, twitter, shopping, email, blogs, google and yahoo searches, etc. So you are not asking any of of you customers to change what they are already doing every day. Then you sponsor other people who want to do the same thing and they give it away for free as well. With Steve Smith (co-founder of excel communications) a part of this system you can't go wrong. If you don't know about excel communications it was the fast growing company in this countries history. It beat out Microsoft by 6 years! Steve says that ijango will double what excel did because the concept is simple and there is no selling involved.

Check out this video buy the founder Cam Sharpe at You will see what all the buzz is about. Listen for IJango in the next few will revolutionize the Internet experience!